Communication Courses

Here you can find many additional courses in which you will be prepared for your next job interview, for example – or which can kindle your creative talents, e.g. in theater seminars.

The new program for the spring semester comes out on 5th August. Online application will begin on 26th August.

ATTENTION: Primarily all students must register here! An online registration is possible at all times!

Click here to get to the Course Portal, where you can check your account, change your personal details, or deregister from your course.




Important Information

How do I sign up for a course?

You sign up online for courses.

How much are the course fees?

Information about course fees can be found under the respective course.

Our fees are divided into two categories: reduced fees, and fees for external participants.

The following participants are eligible for reduced fees:

  • students of all universities and colleges in Germany
  • school students
  • vocational trainees
  • employees of the University of Mannheim
  • members of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim
  • ABSOLVENTUM members
  • au-pairs

People who do not belong to any of the above-mentioned groups are charged the regular fees for external participants. 

NOTE: Possible exceptions are stated directly under the course in question.

How do I pay the course fees?

You can pay via credit card, direct debit authorization, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Can I change the course after I’ve already signed up?

In principle, signing up for a course is binding.

Changing a course is possible if the instructor of the original course fills out a “course changer” note for you and a place is still available in the desired course.

Cancelling after the cancellation notice period

  • A cancellation of your registration for a course after the cancellation notice period (i.e. later than 6 days before the course begins, to the day) is only possible in person in our office during our office hours, or via e-mail, if someone on the waiting list can move up to take your place or if you can offer a substitute participant. If there is no one to take over the cancelled slot, the course fee will nonetheless be charged to you.
  • Not showing up for the course does not constitute a formal cancellation. In principle, non-attendance will lead to the course fee being charged or, if it has already been paid, it will not be refunded.
  • Should the course be cancelled on our part, or if you are forced to cancel on account of circumstances beyond your control (e.g. illness [in which case a doctor’s certificate needs to be presented]), the course fee will be refunded.
  • In the event that too few people sign up for a course, the course generally has to be cancelled, as each course needs to pay for itself with the course fees.

Do I get a certificate at the end of the course?

A certificate will be sent to the participants by e-mail at the end of the course.

In the language courses, an achievement test or a home assignment or presentation will take place at the end of the course. A graded certificate of participation will be issued if the final test is passed. If the test is failed, an ungraded certificate will be issued, provided the participant attended the course regularly (i.e. not more than four teaching units of non-attendance, which generally corresponds to two sessions). One teaching unit is 45 minutes.

For a weekend course, you are required to be in attendance for the complete course to receive a certificate.

These certificates do not qualify as proof of academic achievement according to the study and examination regulations of regular study programs!

Attendance policy

The identity of the course participants can be checked by the course instructor at any time through a student ID-card or any other form of official photo ID.

Informationen für Studierende anderer Hochschulen

Für DHBW Mannheim Studierende gilt:

Jeder Kursteilnehmer ist verpflichtet, bei dem kostenlos wöchentlichen Kurs mit 24 Einheiten an mindestens 18, bei den Kursen mit 20 Einheiten an mindestens 16 Einheiten teilzunehmen. 1 Einheit sind 45 Minuten, in der Regel 2 Einheiten pro Termin.

Bei Kursen mit weniger als 24 Einheiten (bspw. 1-tägig, Wochenendkurse oder Kurse mit 3-4 Terminen) sind Sie zur kompletten Teilnahme verpflichtet. Ausgenommen sind Fehlzeiten wegen Krankheit nach Vorlage eines ärztlichen Attestes bzw. einer ärztlichen Bescheinigung. Andernfalls müssen die Kosten für den Kurs selbst getragen werden.

Studierende, die Ende September ihr Studium an der DHBW beenden, können sich nicht
mehr für Studium Generale Kurse des Herbst/Wintersemesters der Universität Mannheim anmelden. Das gilt auch, wenn Sie zum Zeitpunkt der Anmeldung, bzw. zum Kursstart noch im 6. Semester sind.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Für die Hochschule f. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen gilt:

siehe hier


Online registration will start on 26th August

HWS 2024, Regular Courses

ATTENTION: The language of instruction is German!

Mnemotechniken (Samstag, 09. November 09:45-12:00 Uhr und 13:00-15:15 Uhr )


rhetoric crash course (Samstag, 02.11.2024, 10:00-19:00 Uhr)


business rhetoric (Samstag, 23.11.2024, 10.00-19.00 Uhr )


From conflict to cooperation workshop (Samstag, 16.11.+Sonntag, 17.11.2024, 09:00-18:00 Uhr )


be winning, behave appropriately and assert yourself workshop (Samstag, 23.11.+Sonntag, 24.11.204, jeweils 09-18.00 Uhr)


conversational workshop (Samstag, 09.11.+Sonntag, 10.11.2024, jeweils 09.00-18.00 Uhr)


Formulierungs- und Schlagfertigkeitstraining (Sonntag, 27.10.2024, 09:00-18:00 Uhr)


negotiation workshop (Samstag, 23.11.+Sonntag, 24.11.2024, jeweils 09.00-17.00 Uhr)


negotiation workshop (Samstag, 30.11.+Sonntag, 01.12.2024, jeweils 09.00-17.00 Uhr)


Sales management (Samstag, 02.11.2024, 10.00-18.00 Uhr)


corporate governance workshop (Samstag, 23.11.2024, 10.00-18.00 Uhr)


Gut und flüssig schreiben. Auf den Punkt gebracht! (Samstag, 16.11.2024, 10:00-17:00 Uhr)


sketchnotes workshop (Mittwoch, 06.11.2024, 17:15-20:30 Uhr )


Coachingkompetenzen für Frauen, Teil I (Samstag, 09.11.2024, 09:00-13:00 Uhr )


Coachingkompetenzen für Frauen, Teil II (Samstag, 16.11.2024, 09:00-13:00 Uhr)